Sit-n-Knit 6:30 pm. Wednesday evenings.
Wednesday evening finds us tucked cozily in the beautiful Gremley room at the church engaged in various knitting, crocheting and needlework projects. There is always friendly and uplifting conversation. This is not a class, you should already know how to knit, crochet, etc., but there are plenty of helpful and experienced knitters willing to help if you get stuck on something.
MainSpring Neighborhood Dinner 6:00 pm. February 17 and March 16.
If you live, work, or worship in the neighborhood around our church, you are a part of the MainSpring neighborhood. Each month on the third Wednesday, we gather for a meal and an informative program. We supply the main course and the rest is contributed pot-luck style. What a great way to get to know your neighbors and the people who worship and work together to make this a great neighborhood.
Third Annual Dinner & Talent Show 5:30 pm. February 29
Dust off your juggling pins, tune your harmonica or brush up on your jokes. It’s time once again for the Dinner and Talent Show. This year, we will feature a potluck dinner. Take a tag from the tree for a main dish, side dish, bread or drink. What about desserts? Desserts will be done by sample-size only. Full-sized desserts will be auctioned off after the dinner (but before the talent show).
The talent portion of the evening will take place at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Please let Rose know if you would like to perform. This is amateur night and all in fun so let your inner spirit loose and have fun.