High Street Congregational Church, U.C.C. Mission Statement
As one church family supporting each other through life’s experiences, we worship God and celebrate the teachings of Christ Jesus. With a deep and abiding love of our Creator and all creation, we act as prayerful agents for peace and justice in the world, ministering to the needs of our local and global communities and fostering responsible stewardship of planet Earth
Open and Affirming Statement
High Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ proclaims its belief that everyone is created in the image of God and affirms that each person, regardless of age, economic status, faith history, ethnicity, gender identity, mental or physical ability, marital status or sexual orientation is a beloved child of God and thus worthy of God’s love and grace; that prayer, support, and guidance should be offered in a loving spiritual community which strives to embrace all who seek that love and grace. All are welcome to participate in every aspect of the full life of the church.